Signed by Charles Bukowski: The New Censorship April 1992, Six Uncollected, 11 First Appearance Poems (20 Total).
Signed by Charles Bukowski: The New Censorship April 1992, Six Uncollected, 11 First Appearance Poems (20 Total).
The New Censorship devoted three special issues devoted entirely to Charles Bukowski’s Poems and Drawings.
This is a signed copy of the April 1992 issue and contains 21 poems and 11 drawings.
Bukowski has signed the cover, which features some great drawings.
Out of the 20 poems, six have yet to be published again.
There were only 1,000 copies of this magazine printed.
Measuring 11” x 8.5”, this copy is in near fine condition with a bit of browning and wear to the white covers and a bump on the lower-right front cover, also impacting the first page.
Poems include:
@@@@, Territory, The Critic, The Trick, Party Girl, and Courtesy have yet to be published again.
Bad Day, Floss, Brush And Flush, The Voice, and To Serve And Protect later appeared in Betting on the Muse (1996).
Big Night On The Town, Dostoevsky, Going, Safely Stopped, and TB later appeared in Bone Palace Ballet (1997).
Nobody Is Going To Save appeared in Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way (2002).
Gone earlier appeared in You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense (1986).
Ignorance and Letters appeared earlier in Burning in Water Drowning in Flame (1974).
Finished appeared The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992).
A great source of later Bukowski poems from this magazine edited by Ivan Suvanjieff out of Denver, Colorado.
Case 9